Missionary Work

He said to them, 'Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'

Mark 16:15

Ghana, West Africa-Medical Mission

Village of Hope

For about a decade, twice per year, a group of approximately 20 doctors, nurses, and additional volunteers would go to the Village of Hope in Ghana, West Africa. 

VOH serves the Ghanaian people with a hospital, school, and home for orphans. 

Hundreds were treated each visit by the medical team from Farragut, either at the VOH hospital or at portable clinics in villages.

We also provided medicine and other medical supplies. 

Click here for more information about the Village of Hope.

Click here for Oct. 2012 slide show-The Ghanaian People

Click here for Oct. 2012 slide show 2-The Mission Team

Chihuahua, Mexico

Casa de la Esperanza

In 2014 and 2015, our teens, adult volunteers, and a medical team, spent a week during the Summer at Casa de la Esperanza.

Casa de la Esperanza is a children's home that serves as a haven of love and hope for abused children in Anahuac, Chihuahua, Mexico.

In addition to providing medical assistance and manual labor, the team also shared Bible time and loving fellowship. 

Eastern European Missions


Eastern European Missions (EEM) has been providing Bibles, Biblical literature, and services since 1961 to the nations of Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. For the first 28 years of its history, EEM had to find ways to get Bibles through the Iron Curtain. 

Since 1989, EEM has been supplying congregations, individuals, campaign groups, missionaries, etc., with Bibles and Biblical literature in all languages of the nations of the former Soviet Union.  Bibles and biblical literature are supplied to public schools in the whole states in Russia, former communist youth camps in Ukraine, and tens of thousands of families in Russia. EEM has supported opportunities to teach Bible in universities in Russia, Ukraine, and various Eastern European countries.

EEM has a Governing Board and Development/Advisory Board, and is under the oversight of Bammel Church of Christ in Houston, Texas.